Brandon Routh, who is most known for his role as Superman in the movie Superman Returns. He also played some supporting roles in Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Unthinkable and the TV-series "Chuck". This time he is one of the seven evil exes in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. When he checked into his hotel he posed for a picture.

Anna Kendrick, who plays Stacey Pilgrim in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is best known for her roles in the Twilight movies and Up in the Air, for which she received an Oscar nomination. I already met Anna earlier this year, but this time she signed the Blu Ray covers of Up in the Air and Twilight the DVD-cover of New Moon. She also posed for a picture...again.

Kieran Culkin, who plays Wallace Wells in the upcoming movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is known for movies as Igby Goes Down, Nowhere to Run and off course Home Alone where he plays Fuller, the younger cousin of Macaulay Culkin's character. Macaulay Culkin is his real life brother. For me Kieran signed my DVD-covers of Nowhere to Run, Father of the Bride Part II and Igby Goes Down. He also posed for a picture, which is actually quit rare, because he doesn't like doing them.

Jason Schwartzman, who plays Gideon Gordon Graves in the upcoming Scott Pilgrim vs. the World comicbook adaption, is best known for his roles in Wes Anderson's movies like Rushmore, The Darjeeling Limited and Fantastic Mr. Fox. For me he signed the DVD-covers of The Darjeeling Limited, Funny People, Spun and Marie Antoinette. On all DVD-cover he wrote something funny as well. He was willing to pose for a photo, but only if he could hold his very masculine espresso, which offcourse I didn't mind at all.

Jeff Goldblum, who is also staying at the Soho Hotel, is an actor I met several times now. I also have several pictures with him. And at none of the he looked into the camera. So I decided to try anonther one, when I met him one-on-one. And guess what, again he didn't look in the camera. He did sign the DVD-cover of Igby Goes Down though...

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