Naast de London Film & Comic Con, heb ik ook van het weekend gebruik gemaakt om enkele theater stagedoors te bezoeken in de hoop een aantal acteurs en actrices op de gevoelige plaat vast te leggen. Ditmaal stonden niet de minsten op de planken...
Ethan Hawke, bekend van zijn rollen in onder meer "
Assault on Precinct 13 ", "
Taking Lives", "
Training Day", "
Gattaca" en "
Alive" signeerde mijn DVD-cover van "
Alive", "
Before Sunrise", "
Gattaca", "
Training Day", "
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead" en "
Taking Lives ". Tevens poseerde de vriendelijke acteur voor de foto.
Rebecca Hall, bekend van films als "
Frost/Nixon ", "
Vicky Cristina Barcelona" en "
The Prestige" signeerde mijn DVD-covers van "The Prestige" en "Frost/Nixon" en poseerde voor de foto.
Sinéad Cusack, bekend van films als "
V for Vendetta " en "
Eastern Promises" signeerde mijn DVD-cover van "
Eastern Promises" en poseerde voor de foto.
Christopher Eccleston, bekend van onder andere
"Doctor Who",
"Heroes", "
Gone in Sixty Seconds" en "
The Others " signeerde mijn DVD-covers van "
The Others", "
Elizabeth", "
Gone in Sixty Seconds" en "
Shallow Grave", mijn posterfoto van "
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" en, dankzij Rene (waarvoor dank) mijn
"Heroes" artwork. Tevens poseerde Eccleston voor de foto.
Jude Law, belend van films als "
Sherlock Holmes", "
My Blueberry Nights", "
Closer", "
Cold Mountain", "
Road to Perdition" en "
Artificial Intelligence: AI" signeerde mijn DVD-covers van "
Artificial Intelligence: AI", "
Enemy at the Gates", "
Road to Perdition", "
Cold Mountain ", "
Gattaca", mijn posterfoto van "
My Blueberry Nights" en poseerde voor de foto.
As promised for my English friends and loyal readers I will put up something in English. Special thanks goes out to Lee and Ben who proved themselves real friends, joining me for the weekend and even let me sleep at their place! As usual I enjoyed the company of your guys, while collecting pictures and autographs, but our Buzz-evening completed my weekend as I have never seen before! Although I see myself as filmfanatic, I must admit that Lee won with almost no sweat! I look forward already to my next trip to London, next month. Let's hope I will be a worthy competetor for Lee and Ben. Ow, and Dom sorry, I called you Don in my last topic. It was an accidental but indeed funny mistake! See you soon guys!!!

Picture from left to right (Rene, Danny, Ben, Lee and offcourse Don, oops, I did it again, I meant offcourse Dom)
1 opmerking:
hi danny. how are you? sorry lost you email address. could you reply? my mail:
thanks and see you soon, dom
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