The reason why I went to London in the first place was the world premiere of World War Z, starring Brad Pitt. The premiere was hold on a sunny sunday at the Empire theatre in London. After some waiting the hunting began...
Academy Award nominated actor Brad Pitt (Seven, Inglorious Basterds, Troy) signed and posters of Inglorious Basterds and World War Z but unfortunately didn't really pose for a photo.
Academy Award winning actress Angelina Jolie (Wanted, Tomb Raider) signed my poster of Gone In 60 Seconds and the Blu-Ray covers of The Changeling and Wanted and posed for a photo.
Mireille Enos (The Killing, Big Love and Gangster Squad) signed my poster of World War Z and posed for a photo.
Matt Bellamy (Muse) attended the premiere because Muse was responsible for the music of world War Z. He signed my poster of World War Z and posed for a photo.
Dominic Howard (Muse) signed my poster of World War Z and posed for a photo.
Christopher Wolstenholme (Muse) signed my poster of World War Z and posed for a photo.
Marc Forster (The Kite Runner, Quantum Of Solace) signed my poster of World War Z and posed for a photo.
Daniella Kertesz signed my poster of World War Z and posed for a photo.
Academy Award winning actor Peter Capaldi signed my poster of World War Z and posed for photo.