The weekend of horrors convention is being held twice a year in Bottrop, Germany. Every year the show has a lot of cancellations, but to be fair though, this year didn't have too many...
Asia Argento, known for her roles in "XXX", "Land Of The Dead" and "Marie Antoinette", was perhaps the biggest name at the show this year. I met her before in Cannes a couple of years back, but that didn't stop me posing for another picture with her.

Linda Blair, definately mostly known for her iconic role in "The Exorcist" and the sequel "The Exorcist 2" is also known for her parts in movies like "Airport 75", "Repossessed" and "Hell Night". She signed my DVD-cover of "The Exorcist" and posed for a picture during the photoshoot.

Ray Wise is mostly known for his parts in "Twin Peaks", "Robocop" and "The Reaper". It was escpecially good for me to meet him because he is also Vice President Hal Gardner in the fifth season of "24". Because of this, he signed my poster of "24" and posed for a picture during the photoshoot.

Julian Sands is mostly known for his parts in "The Killing Fields", "Arachnophobia", "Leaving Las Vegas" and offcourse as Warlock in the "Warlock" franchise. For me he is also Vladimir Bierko is the fifth season of "24". Because of this he signed my poster of "24" and posed for a picture during the photoshoot.

David Naughton, is best known for his part as David Kessler in "An American Werewolf In London", which is a classic horror movie without a doubt. He posed for a picture with me.

Ladislav Beran, is mostly known his part as Karl Ruprecht Kroenen in the movie "Hellboy". He signed my "Hellboy" filmcell and posed for a picture.

John Amplas is mostly known for his parts in "Martin", "Creepshow" and offcourse "Day Of The Dead". He posed for a picture with me.

Bill Mosely, known for his parts in "The Devil's Rejects", "House Of A 1000 Corpses" and "Halloween" posed for a picture.

Kathleen Kinmont, mostly known for her part in the series "Renegade" is also known for her parts in "Halloween 4" and "Bride Of The Re-Animator". She posed for a picture during the photoshoot.

The German cannibal movie "Cannibal Diner" was promoted at the show. For this three girls that play parts in the horror movie attended the show to pose for pictures and hand out autographs.

Let's do a little promotion myself to view the trailer to everyone here!